Come As You Are

Religion, like politics, is hard to write about from a global perspective. Religion is, and it should be, a deep personal experience. Notice my chosen word, not belief, not faith, but experience. If...

The Debate

I’m writing this as an American, not a liberal or conservative, not a republican or democrat and certainly not from the far left or far right. But simply as an American citizen. I’m guessing that...

A Runaway Train

I’m an angry old fuck and I’m growing angrier by the day by the behavior of both democrats and republicans or is it the liberals and the conservatives causing the anger. Might be the woke fucks...

Always Among the Dead

I’ve been struggling with this current post for about a month now. Mostly because it’s about what’s going on in the middle east. Problem is, finding the right words that people can’t either twist to...

Aged, Old and Elderly

At 66, I consider myself aged. I’ve got some minor health problems and I don’t get around as good as I used to, and to those younger whippersnappers out there that think I belong in some old folks...