I’m an angry old fuck and I’m growing angrier by the day by the behavior of both democrats and republicans… or is it the liberals and the conservatives causing the anger. Might be the woke fucks arguing with the fascist’s fucks, I don’t know, hard to tell ‘em apart from each other these days.
They’re all in the business of hating America cuz it ain’t the America they want.
The rest of us, most of us, accounting for over half the population just don’t know what to make of ya all.
You fucked up our movies and favorite tv shows, we can’t trust a word in our news these days, our bridges are falling apart, and the fucking rich are richer then they’ve ever been, and yes, gas ain’t cheap but we don’t care, we go everywhere anyway.
The thing is, in all this deterioration, the crumbling of a civil society is evidenced in the insanity that those creating the insanity actually have valid points.
That’s right, the right, as well the left, have valid points of argument.
Which means there’s room for compromise.
Unfortunately, we live in a world where compromise doesn’t exist.
Evidence of our state of insanity lies in our presidential candidates, two old fucks who are well past their prime. I’m sorry, not sorry, it’s true, and we should be ashamed that both political parties are so scared of losing that they what…
run the two oldest people in America?
Fuck, we deserve better from those who serve us.
Much better!
And by the way, there’s other things going on other than anger. There’s a lot of shame.
Of course, the tragedy in all this is it’s a runaway train, where both sides are feasting not only on each other, but on their own as well.
It’s going to take a miracle and I ain’t thinking we’re going to see one.