Look no further then conservative pundits and any maga supporter you choose, and you’ll quickly hear the debate was rigged. Evidence they’ll point to is that Trump was fact checked about Haitians eating dogs and cats, Kamala had an earpiece in, the format favored Harris, and the moderators conspired to make Trump look bad, and to further thwart and mangle reality, the claim is that Trump won the debate, hands down and by a country mile.

The outrage from the far right is aimed at everybody except for the person who is responsible, Donald John Trump. Trumps performance, and that’s what his debate mindset was, to perform, was shallow, far from articulating points of fact and for the most part based in character assassination and outright fantasy.

You know, the things his followers like about Trump.

Which brings me to why? Why do a lot of people identify with Trump?

Of course, there isn’t a single answer but if there was, the words I’d die on a cross for are few, and true.

They see themselves in Trump, as Trump.

A man fighting the machine, a machine that’s corrupt as the day is long.

In other words, the corruption of our government, and that corruption is nothing new and I can probably trace a line back to its starting point.

The assassination of JFK and the coverup.

Followed by the CIA overturning an election in Chile on the heels of Iran in ’53, Watergate, the Viet Nam War, and Iran Contra.

For some, these are relegated to the bricks of history, but for a lot of older Americans, these are the bricks of that make up the foundation of what MAGA is, and why the conspiracies run wild and are to be believed.

Fore those that are younger, youth always wants to destroy what their parents labored to build, leastways that’s the environment I grew up in.

As embarrassing as it is, that’s the answer, for whatever reasons, Trump supporters see themselves in Trump. And yes, the rest of America should look at Trump supporters and be worried.

Because it means a large percentage of our population cares little about facts or truths, instead their interest lies in power, the power of misinformation.

That misinformation gives way to a belief, that if elected once again, Trump will usher in a golden age of American Influence and that the morning after Trump is sworn in, the track to normalcy will be laid, just as it was in Trumps first term.

Except that never happened, or if it did, the train was derailed by the powers gathered against Trump.

And those powers, have to pay for that derailment, because losing the election to Biden was a bridge too far for Trump and his supporters.

So yes, I’m saying our own government is responsible for Trump. The behavior of our government has made it possible for a man like him to not only exist, but to be admired by the American people.

People are constantly barraged by bullshit from our own government, and they see through it, and are tired of the bullshit.

There’re no goals, no inroads made to address a multitude of problems, constant and consistent political bickering and an god awful belief among most Americans that they are second class citizens to not only Immigrants but to the corporate world as well.

And my advice to my government, even if Trump loses this election cycle, it’s not over.

Not unless shit changes, and I’m guessing it ain’t.