I’ve stayed silent in voicing any thoughts I might have regarding the war in the middle east. Silent, because it’s a losing situation for everybody involved, and it’s a losing situation because we’ve made it that way.

Not us, the USA… but the world.

Of course, the Western powers carry a lot of blame, the way England carved up a bunch of territories with out regard to families, culture and religion and just drew some borders on a map, and called the new Nation Israel, was a guide to the disaster we’ve been seeing played out over the decades.

The larger truth is the governments of the world, and by proxy, the people of the world have created a world where innocence doesn’t exist. Yes, we’ve tried, and tried again, and failed, and failed again.

As I write this, Hama has its defenders. The people of Palestine, theirs, and Israel has theirs as well. First and foremost, Hamas is a terrorist organization born of hatred for a people they believe don’t have a right to exist, at least in their neighborhood.

How does one fight such a belief system? With a hatred that’s on equal par?

Caught between, are wives, mothers, children, all dying daily, and in any war, civilian casualties always outnumber the death of soldiers.

The problem for Israel is that Hamas, while being a terrorist organization, is also an ideological force, as such groups usually are. Unfortunately, it’s an ideology that seems to be broadly popular in the region.

You can’t fight Ideology in a normal fashion! You’re not going to win with guns and bullets.

Israel will level Gaza, displace a majority of Palestinian people and drive Hamas to the barest number of survivors, perhaps even eliminating the entire organization.

But their victory will be a hollow one. For every dead Hamas terrorist, ten will rise.

Israel knows this, the world knows this and when the Piper comes to be paid for the brutality were seeing today, that cost is going to be enormous.

The only solution is one of a separate state for the Palestinian people, and let me say this, the existence of a Palestinian state shouldn’t be up to Israel!

The world should lead the way in establishing a Palestinian state.

If Israel has input to offer, more the better, but to be the arbitrators, well that’s a recipe for continuing wars and disasters.